🎶 Open mic 🎶 – feat. 🎈PopFar 🪡

🎶 Open mic 🎶 – feat. 🎈PopFar 🪡


19:30 - 21:45


Café Mellemfolk
Mejlgade 53, 1., Aarhus C, 8000


FB event: facebook.com/events/397086253228913

On the last Monday of the month, Århus Songwriting Workshop (ÅSV) holds an open mic at Café Mellemfolk for anyone who writes songs – or is just curious to hear what local songwriters are working on.

If you’d like to play a song or two, find the emcee when you arrive and put your name on their list. All original music is welcome, and there will be an acoustic guitar and a piano at your disposal.

Each evening also features a short set by an ÅSV member. This time it’ll be PopFar.

POPFAR is Denmark’s new everyday hero, with one wish and mission for us all – to put Monday morning on the top of our bucket list. “I write for those who love everyday life – and those who fear claustrophobia. Just as I myself do,” says PopFar. “When I see myself through PopFar’s spectacles, life becomes much easier. It gives me room to dance and laugh while looking lovingly at life – and myself.”
Check out the poppy “Oaser” here:

Sound crew: Anders Aare
Video: Jon Brændsgaard Toft
Booker & coordinater: Misha Hoekstra, formand@sang-skriver.dk