🎶 Open mic 🎶 – med 🔥Tændt🔥

🎶 Open mic 🎶 – med 🔥Tændt🔥


19:30 - 21:45


Café Mellemfolk
Mejlgade 53, 1., Aarhus C, 8000


FB event: facebook.com/events/1454990278527314

On the last Monday of each month, Århus Songwriting Workshop (ÅSV) holds an open mic at Café Mellemfolk for anyone who writes songs – or is just curious to hear what local songwriters are up to.

Each evening also features a short set by one of our members. This month it’ll be the debut of Tændt.

Ever since being fired from his jobs as teacher and husband, TÆNDT has been going nuts writing songs. Being fired and being a newly part-time dad are the starting point for his music, which moves playfully from darkness to light.

Check out some of Tændt’s tunes here:

… and if YOU would like to play a song or two, arrive in good time, find the emcee, and put your name on the list. All original music is welcome, and there will be an acoustic guitar and a piano at your disposal.

Emcee: Svend Seegert
Audio whiz: Günther Paulsen
Video wunder: Jon Brændsgaard Toft

Booker & coordinator: Misha Hoekstra, formand@sang-skriver.dk